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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2013 7:00am-7:30am EST

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why you should. report fifty four countries helping america's rendition program which included detention without charge. of a prominent opposition figure. on the ruling party. one of the. main political rivals. greece.
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friends the iranian president. continues his historic visit to egypt iran hopes to get some backing from the western leaning country on a range of regional and security issues. a very warm welcome to you from all of us here at. fifty four countries helped washington. sometimes even tortured terrorist suspects in secret cia prisons that's according to a top american ngo which has released the most detailed account yet of the notorious rendition program on the. this is a very comprehensive report prepared by the open society foundations not only do
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they detail torture techniques that were used at cia secret prisons overseas to so-called black sites but also give a list of countries that one way or another participated in cia secret detention and extraordinary rendition operations including by hosting cia prisons on their territories detaining interrogating torturing and abusing it in vigils assisting in a tour in the capture and transport of detainees and so on so the list includes countries like afghanistan else. denmark djibouti egypt georgia turkey syria the united arab emirates the united kingdom yemen italy and even iran and just in case you're wondering what iran is doing on the list here's what the report says a yemeni national hussein solemn mohammad on the fed he was captured by iranian authorities in tehran sometime after nine eleven two thousand and one and once was handed over to afghan authorities as part of a prisoner exchange and was held in cia detention in afghanistan so a list of fifty four countries there while president bush acknowledged that the cia
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had secretly detained about one hundred prisoners and this report alleges there were more the u.s. government has only identified sixteen quote unquote high value detainees italy is the only country where a court has criminally convicted officials for their involvement in extraordinary rendition operations canada is the only country to issue an apology to to an extraordinary rendition victim more here are our who was rendered to and tortured in syria and only three countries in addition to canada and it is sweden australia and the united kingdom have issued compensation to extraordinary rendition victims this report is ripe with human rights abuses and it's clear that high ranking bush administration officials bear responsibility for authorizing human rights violations and yet no one was prosecuted because the u.s. government has classified everything related to its torture practices any accusation would be dismissed on state secrets grounds. and a u.s.
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journalist and historian douglas valentine he says that washington's anti terror measures are overzealously taking advantage of public fears and stoking them even that the war on terror itself is is an overstatement vast overstatement of the dangers that existed it's been proven. that we simply created more enemies in iraq we've created more enemies the war on terror is a war at war killing torturing and detaining people is not a way to break. its resolve problems the way to resolve problems is through people trying to understand each other through reach accommodations to do things that will magically except this situation that exists right now is that the united states does the military overhand that it's not willing to give that up by having it built three up for him to kind of force its will all round the world and the war on terror is simply a simple pretext for doing what it illustrates this is the government has. since
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nine eleven more capable propagandizing the american people by exaggerating the threats that exist in order to perpetuate which probably is a state of emergency that really doesn't exist in which the government's able to portray the united states the greatest military power that ever existed on the planet earth and some of the person that's being bullied. the truth is exactly the opposite. this is artsy and a prominent leader of the tunis the an opposition has been shot dead outside his house the country's president has cut short a visit to france to for the killing thousand people have gathered outside the interior ministry protesting of what they're calling a political assassination let's get details on this now from our karma the professor of international relations or bill cohen university in turkey thanks for coming on so quickly here on r.t. the killing just a few days after the victim accuse the ruling party of hiring mercenaries to carry
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out attacks against him his brother says he was assassinated what's your take on it what is clearly being assassinated and certainly the tension between the opposition and the ruling party in arda has been growing or elections in a few months time in the two years since the revolution the economy and unity is in the news don i was there in january and in addition to the tourist business has been dramatically cut hotels empty until you have factories that used to supply components to european companies shot unemployment is rising the government's response has been so people should have a group which is not really a terribly attractive. for people. or unemployment on the rise as you're saying when you were there recently you could feel some sort of political tension or certainly a shift among among the public as well but from what i understand there was supposed to be a cabinet reshuffle ing on the way though it's already been stalled twice how do you see it you're saying out german do you think the islamists can still hold on to
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power when you see their problem is that with the election the first elections after the revolution will hold only got forty two percent of the vote now the biggest sin well they're not an absolute majority and they're in a sense under pressure of trying to build coalitions but also trying to keep warm all the people make up the islamic movement because there are some who are more radical liberals there's a lot of tensions over the role mistook the spiritual leader and all of his family his son in law who's the foreign minister was recently exposed to so you might you know in the church who. you know who was in who's why and the members of the family or the spiritual leader of this islamic movement have prominent positions of power is one of the things that makes even people who supported the general tendency say are we seeing a revolution to get rid of the banality family only to replace it with a new route well that's exactly it you talk about a recent fling some like consider reshuffling of the same front or in the same house so let's discuss the issue of possibly losing power here we're now getting reports from from tunisia from the interior ministry there that the minister saying
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is that the headquarters of the islamist party in several cities have all been tossed it might mean the picture some that there was a massively growing resentment towards the islamist held government there is it possible that we could see some sort of second uprising in the place that many consider to be the one place that kicks off the arab spring uprisings you know to see that had been presented as the nearest thing to a success story that hadn't been too much violence but unfortunately as i say these disappointments with the failure to make life better life has got worse and the sense that the research true that many people in trinity are away from home to it's striking that one of the places where there's been violence in the far western is in iraq syria has often been presented as news when i missed it quarter but it seems from reports that. have attacked they're not a party so there may be resentment against what has been the biggest single party not an overall majority and i think the general feeling is that it's level of
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supporters slipped since those election until the big tension about the coming elections and whether we'll get to those elections without a real political crisis on the streets and perhaps changing there where you talk about bouts of violence happening in tunisia near the border with algeria certainly we know there's a small amount of french boots on the ground in algeria protecting mines there also as we know there are in mali as well libya in the past couple of years i've seen a massive upheaval as well talk to us about the broader prospect here the regional implications does it seem that it's that it's hotting up in that area. genelle i think the overall yes of the great problem has been that the collapse of the dark regime in libya unleashed a lot of chaos the collapse about how his regime in tunisia many controls radical islamists who have been going continue to fight in syria but there are some who you know come back as you say in neighboring algeria or down into the sahara we have this threat of violence and one problem for poor is that it doesn't have many natural resources so that it's rather neglected by the west as nobody has any great
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interest in trying to prop it up and so it was full of its economy is now in a nosedive and it's surrounded by recently tense errors to the east and south and it's getting no real help from the north this seems to me to be very trying to position the traditions are more common a professor of international relations of bilk at university joining us live here on r.t. thank you for coming on thank you. it's predicted the outcome of this year's general election in germany could be majorly swayed by the candidates differing approaches towards the greek economic crisis going to merkel's main challenger the country's former finance minister says she's been simply too harsh on athens artie's cricketer all of us felt the story. the main contender to angola merkel in this year's general election the social democrat party's peacetime brooke has said this his vision for how to deal with the greek problem is to give greece
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a little bit more time and for everybody else around the world to be essentially willing to spend a little bit more money now that includes germany of course this goes up against what has been angola merkel's message all the way which is that it's all by austerity and by a sturdy alone and cutting that deficit. that greece can get itself financially back on its feet now what is interesting is that in the german elections we're seeing the key battleground becoming greece. now one of the reasons that we've seen the s.t.p. . jump on this is because essentially they smell blood he said himself after the most recent local elections which took place last month that's change was possible this year and in order and one of the reasons he can say that is his party is absolutely killing angle merkel's coalition when it comes to domestic issues if you speak to the german people one thing they will all tell you the vast majority will tell you is that they do support angola merkel's view when it comes to dealing with
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the euro crisis what we're now seeing is peacetime saying i'm going to challenge angela merkel on her own turf and put forward my own theory about how to deal with greece. and france to meet with francois hollande and they'll be taking in the france germany game and we will be seeing is those two talking about what they're going to do going into a meeting on thursday where the you'll be looking at where all of the senior partners in europe will be looking to try and decide the european budget for twenty fourteen to twenty twenty now this has been a huge stumbling block for european leaders in the past year we heard from france warland speaking on tuesday who said that he was ready to try and come to some kind of compromise in the social. warland against the chief cheerleader of a sturdy anglo merkel's there has been some friction in the past he says all of the major issues that they have behind them and that they're ready to work together so
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i expect what we will see is that some kind of solution being put forward by these two how to steer europe towards a definite budget for twenty fourteen to twenty twenty and everybody meet on thursday or to still to come in just a couple of minutes here on our lack of medical care a public inquiry gulf britain's health care system in a massive negligence and abuse scandal if you get the details along with the accounts of the witness and shortly. fancy a drink on our long flight we investigate a series of drunken brawls on planes that have forced russian lawmakers to debate banning booze on board that is just ahead.
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today. these are the images. of canada.
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with a wave of. patients. reports . are increasingly across the country. my wife started hospital in september two thousand and eight to disaster to have total chaos when you walk through the doors of the war you smell a. crime no staff available to find a nurse who is left and the rich. are in two months new shoes on the floor we've been there since breakfast on. the. line in
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a row for you see. medication wasn't given to. the death of john's wife is just one of the many horror stories term from the now notorious stuff that hospital relatives say it was a lack of compassion on behalf of the staff that stripped many sick people of their dignity so much evil that sandy would describe people not just in. song. in the most horrible sense seems. to. be she'd have to go through what she went through julie baby's mother died at stafford in what she calls appalling circumstances but when she blew the whistle on the hospital's practice says she was faced with a cover up all the evidence was there that the hospital stuff was failing and yet the that was never shared with the public and i believe the same as in all the
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hospitals it's so much that a string of senior officials failed to take seriously data which showed the hospital significantly higher than average death rates relatives of over a thousand people never got to see them discharged from the hospital patients died needlessly off the suffering a catalogue of neglect left in their own excrement dehydrated and without painkillers it's the biggest scandal to hit the national health service in recent years but with budgets being slashed and red tape preoccupying hospital manages. britain's health secretary is warning that there are little bits of stuff that dotted all across the u.k.'s health system the results of the public inquiry into the hospital's failings are expected to issue a damning verdict on the way the whole of the n.h.s. functions they sold the story. there's a bit of stuff that everybody got to make say you know it's got to be made safe tomorrow because people can't continue to suffer but even with the glare of
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a public inquiry and the media spotlight it hasn't stopped last month it emerged that a former fold baby being treated for breathing problems was found with a dummy taped to his mouth to keep him quiet the nurse being investigated for the incident is the third member of staff at star to be disciplined in the last six months the hospital's chief executive has said we're sorry that despite the progress that has been made there are still some instances of care which fall below that which we want to provide sorry might be too late but the tide of public anger swelling campaigners say it's time for westminster to overhaul britain's beleaguered health service before any more lives needlessly lost polly boyko r t stafford you can always or stay up to speed with all the news from around the world just by logging on to our website odds he dot com let's check out some of the stories available for you right now just
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a click away for example of the of what's for social network a new application being developed for facebook which will enable it to basically truck your location even when your mobile device or computer is switched off. and to go boldly and certainly to go boldly somewhere these russians right here these russian geographers that went to take the plunge diving into a frozen siberian lake ultimately escaping from the current outside temperatures in the region of minus fifty degrees celsius interesting courageous or crazy those details that r.t. dot com. speak your language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here. for the world talks to vo ip interview intriguing story for you. arabic for and visit arabic t.v.
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dot com. by becoming you live from moscow as iran is trying to rebuild ties with cairo after more than three decades of no diplomatic relations by president mahmoud ahmadinejad who is on the western pressure over his nation's nuclear program is attending a muslim summit to discuss security issues with the egyptian leader mohamed morsi and the two nations ties after iran's islamic revolution of nine hundred seventy nine relations worse and further following egypt's peace treaty with israel but more so using u.s. aid did rise to power after the uprising is seen as a major hurdle to better links with tehran which is strongly opposed to the current for evolved in syria over some analysts think keeping the door open to the islamic republic shows cairo is now pursuing a more independent foreign policy than its alstad leader hosni mubarak earlier journalist neil clark spoke to my colleague bill doored you told him that iran needs all the friends that can get. around the strongest ally in the arab world has
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now been serious serious been a brutal ally of iran this is the reason why pro israel lobby why the americans while the saudis are sector are so keen to talk. now there's no such moment the syrian government is about where it's all going around would be even more isolated going to east today and be in a very dangerous position so that's what makes sense for iran to be trying to use. all of their financial motives behind this meeting where we've got to believe the economies are bearing in mind the situation there in iran with all those sanctions appearing to have a quite an impact on the iranian economy do do you. they both need each other i think they do bill and i think probably more his point of view i think as we see r.t. all the rest in egypt know what people are unhappy with how things are going legacy and carry on a look at once it and ship it on iraq will be one way in which she can say to his people look i'm not just a us puppet i am going to be different here so i think from his point in he could get popularity at home by taking
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a more conciliatory line towards iran and from the iranian point of view course they've been putting the dollhouse i mean the pro israel lobby has been very successful in passing it giving the u.s. and other countries to pass tougher and tougher sanctions on iran the real economy is a really bad state so iran needs all the friends it can get there's no reason for iran to be isolated there's no proof it's developing nuclear weapons it's got a peaceful nuclear energy program which which there's no evidence to the contrary so therefore it's it's wrong but it should be totally isolated. the last militant believed to be behind the deadly attacks on the moscow metro has been killed he was gone by special forces in pakistan in southern russia and the thirty six year old began shooting when there was an attempt to detain him he was killed when officers returned fire officials said the man had accompanied one of the two suicide bombers on to moscow's metro in march twenty ten. two were crowded central stations during the morning rush hour thirty nine year old roughly ninety injured. the writer
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starting with molly let's get into it now the sea world update for you on the french military assisted by local villagers has now taken control over the last major city in mali to be held by islamist militants estimates that several hundred rebels have been killed since the offensive began in the country last month and while the advance has been swift some reports suggest the french led liberation campaign there's also of course mounting civilian casualties the french foreign minister has hinted the operation could be over by march. a severe magnitude eight earthquake has struck near the solomon islands one and a half meter tsunami waves were triggered by the quake at least five people have reportedly been killed in several villages destroyed but tsunami warnings issued elsewhere in the south pacific now being cancelled our governments had ordered people to flee to higher ground as a precaution. russia is considering
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a new law that could ban people from buying duty free drink or consuming any alcohol at all on board planes it's after a series of recent complaints from russian airlines about unruly passengers. who went to investigate the grounds for possible prohibition. please make sure your seat belts are fastened the tray table is securely stowed and there are a passenger next to you is not intoxicated out of his mind passport ticket and alcohol of course there is a lot of air was for have a drink on board but that doesn't stop many passengers if there is a will there is always a way to sneak that bottle on the plane. recently cases of unruly drunks have been springing up one after another one man attacked a police officer in the v.i.p.'s zone in a moscow airport thinking he was still in another country a different man if the four year old businessman on his way to the egyptian resort of god lit up a cigarette and literally hit back at
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a flight attendant who tried to stop him the confrontation spiraled into an all out brawl on board something up on your own table one pretty much he was demanding something crazy he was forcing himself into a cockpit everyone was trying to hold him back and he was yelling let me and forcing his way into the pilot's seat. here's the catch though the resume normal in russia that would allow airlines to restrain much less to punish unruly customers in fact flight attendants technically are not even allowed to physically subdue anyone having a fit of rage on an airplane and that doesn't fly over well with the country's main airline that used the national community we could buy from we want our crews on board to be able to restrain such passengers we need a law for that and we also an amendment to the current air code which would allow not just their flag but all air carriers to be able to refuse service to bassan jurors who have created
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a problem on board passengers like to see on the in the leg honeymooners who forced a plane heading for thailand to land in his back a stand it was after their festive mood quickly soured and turned into a fight when a flight attendant told them to cut down on the liquor consumption. they stated two reasons for drinking fear following and celebrating their marriage this type of emotional travel drinking has gotten russian lawmakers thinking very seriously so not too distant future it seems passengers will be able to keep their emotions bottled up in moscow it in party. hard coming up after a very short break here and. swinging hard trust a sledgehammer that's breaking the set just a moment. you
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really because you are one hundred percent. sure ok was this man snowball it was guys going to moscow. i r t v dot com don't miss it. to speak your language. programs in documentaries in arabic it's all here on. reporting from the world's hot spots to feel your piece interviews intriguing story so you. can try. to find out more visit our big. dog called.
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to live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food because you know how bad he was bad luck. i mean. i know that i was really messed up. in there all very sort of personally. it's a. worse churchill it's a little white house of the day the radio guy or the tailor made a big pick up like what we're about to give you never seen anything like this i'm sorry. i'm not in mine in this break and it said so ten years ago today former secretary of state colin powell laid out his case before the u.n.
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for an all out war against iraq under the pretext that saddam hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction there's a clip to jog your memory. less than a teaspoon of dry anthrax a little bit about this amount this is just about the amount of a teaspoon less than a teaspoon full of dry anthrax in an envoy shut down the united states senate iraq declared eighty five hundred liters of anthrax but unscom estimates that saddam hussein could have produced twenty five thousand liters it should come as no shock then that since saddam hussein forced out the last inspectors in one thousand nine hundred eighty we have amassed much intelligence indicating that iraq is continuing to make these weapons we know that iraq has at least seven of these mobile biological agent factories what followed this anthrax fear mongering was operation iraqi freedom that cost over eighty one.


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